ML Safety Accelerator Program

Starting the week of January 27th, 2025.

Join a 7-week machine learning upskilling program based on ARENA

Applications have closed!

Who can apply?

We aim to accept primarily undergraduate and graduate students at UBC, but students from other schools or working professionals are encouraged to apply. 

What are the dates?

The course will run from the week of January 27th to the week of April 10th. We will meet weekly, except for midterm break (week of February 17th).

When and where does each cohort meet?

We ask for your availability in the application and will try to accommodate your schedule when forming cohorts. Each cohort meets once a week for four hours in-person at UBC. The exact location is to be determined.

How much experience with machine learning do I need?

What I don't have enough experience in machine learning or AI Safety?

Check out Intro to AI Alignment, our introductory program that requires less commitment and experience. We also run an open Policy Reading Group whose schedule will be published shortly.

What if I already know all the material in the curriculum?

Please contact us at the bottom of this page to explore other ways of getting involved!

Who will be my facilitator?

Our facilitator for this program is Justice, a PhD student at UBC. See his bio here.